Secretary General's Visit to Sri Lanka: Commemorating the Ashoka Pillar and Strengthening Global Buddhist Unity

Tue, Feb 06, 2024

During the Secretary General's visit to Sri Lanka from January 23 to 30, 2024, he not only attended the Inaugural Ceremony of the Foundation Stone of first-ever Ashoka Pillar at Waskaduwa Temple but also engaged in meaningful discussions with dignitaries from spiritual, political, and diplomatic backgrounds.

The dignitaries included MahanayakaThero of the MalwathuChapter, MahanayakaThero of the AsigiriyaChapter, MahanayakaThero of the RamanyaNikaya, Minister of Justice Mr. Rajapaksa (Government of Sri Lanka), Minister of Agriculture (Government of Sri Lanka), Ambassador of India to Sri Lanka H.E Shri Santosh Jhaand other prominent Sangha Members.

The focus of the meeting was on deliberating the ongoing initiatives of IBC and its dedicated efforts in promoting the propagation of Buddha Dhamma globally, fostering unity among Buddhist communities worldwide through a cohesive umbrella framework.

The event received extensive coverage in local dailies, and some images from the meetings are attached in the report for your reference.

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